Programmable Arduino Timer
Project to making a programmable timer with an Arduino Uno, a 7-segment 8-digit MAX7219 display, and a 4×4 keypad.
Project description
In this project I built a timer that can be used in various applications with the advantage of being programmable with a 4×4 membrane keyboard for programming hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds.
The time programming is done via the ‘A’ key, after entering the time in HH:MM:SS:MS, just press the ‘D’ key to start the countdown, A beep sounds at each decrement of each second. When the timer come to 0, the LEDs lights and a continuous beep sounds.
The wiring is not very complicated, the connection of the display is 5 wires, for my project it is assigned to pins 12, 11, 10 (DIN, CLK, CS), and 5V and GND outputs of the Arduino UNO for the power of the display.
The 4×4 membrane keypad was assigned to pins 5, 4, 3, 2 for horizontal and 9, 8, 7, 6 for columns.
The buzzer has pin 18 and GND, and leds on pin 13 and GND.
A battery was added and connected to the VIN power supply of the Arduino with a 2-position switch for power-up.
I modified the original display, and I used larger displays 2 digits 7 segments separated by leds to give a more interesting look to my timer. There was a long work of wiring on the prototype board.
Countdown timer for MAX7219
Complete code for programmable timer MAX7219.
#include <Keypad.h>
#include <LedControl.h>
#include <SPI.h>
const byte ROWS = 4;
const byte COLS = 4;
char keys[ROWS][COLS] = {
{'1', '2', '3', 'A'},
{'4', '5', '6', 'B'},
{'7', '8', '9', 'C'},
{'*', '0', '#', 'D'}
byte rowPins[ROWS] = {5, 4, 3, 2};
byte colPins[COLS] = {9, 8, 7, 6};
Keypad keypadObj = Keypad(makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS);
LedControl lc = LedControl(12, 11, 10, 1);
long csecondsLeft;
int decrement = 3;
bool explosed = false;
long hours = 0;
long minutes = 0;
long seconds = 0;
long hundredths = 0;
char keypadOutput[32] = {0};
byte playSound = 18;
void setup() {
csecondsLeft = 0;
lc.shutdown(0, false);
lc.setIntensity(0, 8);
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
pinMode(18, OUTPUT);
analogWrite(18, 0);
bool isProgrammingTime = false;
String inputKeys = "";
String programmedTime = "";
bool isCountingDown = false;
void updateDisplay() {
long remainingSeconds = csecondsLeft / 100;
hours = remainingSeconds / 3600;
remainingSeconds %= 3600;
minutes = remainingSeconds / 60;
seconds = remainingSeconds % 60;
hundredths = csecondsLeft % 100;
lc.setDigit(0, 7, hours / 10, false);
lc.setDigit(0, 6, hours % 10, false);
lc.setDigit(0, 5, minutes / 10, false);
lc.setDigit(0, 4, minutes % 10, false);
lc.setDigit(0, 3, seconds / 10, false);
lc.setDigit(0, 2, seconds % 10, false);
lc.setDigit(0, 1, hundredths / 10, false);
lc.setDigit(0, 0, hundredths % 10, false);
void programTime() {
if (inputKeys.length() >= 8) {
inputKeys = inputKeys.substring(0, 8);
programmedTime = inputKeys.substring(0, 2) + ":" + inputKeys.substring(2, 4) + ":" + inputKeys.substring(4, 6) + ":" + inputKeys.substring(6, 8);
Serial.print("inputKeys: "); Serial.println(inputKeys);
Serial.print("programmedTime: "); Serial.println(programmedTime);
inputKeys = "";
void startCountdown() {
Serial.println("Starting countdown...");
if (programmedTime.length() == 11) {
hours = programmedTime.substring(0, 2).toInt();
minutes = programmedTime.substring(3, 5).toInt();
seconds = programmedTime.substring(6, 8).toInt();
hundredths = programmedTime.substring(9, 11).toInt();
csecondsLeft = ((hours * 3600) + (minutes * 60) + seconds) * 100 + hundredths;
} else {
Serial.println("Invalid programmed time. Please enter a time greater than zero.");
isCountingDown = true;
void loop() {
char key = keypadObj.getKey();
if (key) {
Serial.print("Key Pressed: ");
if (key >= '0' && key <= '9') {
int num = key - '0';
int displayIndex = 7 - inputKeys.length();
lc.setDigit(0, displayIndex, num, false);
inputKeys += key;
tone(playSound, 1000, 50);
if (!isProgrammingTime && key == 'A') {
Serial.println("Programming time...");
isProgrammingTime = true;
inputKeys = "";
programmedTime = "";
} else if (isProgrammingTime && key == 'D') {
isProgrammingTime = false;
Serial.print("Programmed Time: ");
programmedTime = "";
else if (isCountingDown) {
csecondsLeft -= decrement;
if (csecondsLeft < 0) {
csecondsLeft = 0;
if (!explosed) {
tone(playSound, 1000, 50);
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
explosed = true;
if (csecondsLeft % 35 == 0) {
tone(playSound, 3236, 50);