Squirreliminator® Humane Electric Fence Driver

A humane way to use Arduino to construct an effective an inexpensive electric fence charger using easilly available items. Typical build cost about 20-30 dollars for an average DIY. Typical time to build, 3-4 hours (not including installation of actual fence)

Project description

Low cost electric fence humanely protects valuable urban gardens


Squirreliminator V2.0


C++ or whatever it is that the Arduino 1.8.19 uses


//This device is a controller trigger to generate a safe and humane pulse to operate a electric fence energizing coil. It operates economically
//The very low duty cycle ensures long battery life and low power drain. The simple code is foolproof and there are ample opportunities for expansion

// the setup function runs automatically upon powering up the Device. No switches or other inputs are required

void setup() {
  // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.
  pinMode(8, OUTPUT);

// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);   // Turns on the onboard LED for a brief flash, synchronous with the coil pluse - indicates function
  delay(80);                       // 80 MS pulse generates a quick LED flash that is still easily visible
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);    // This turns off the internal LED
  delay(1200);                       // This makes a 1.2 second LED off cycle, corresponding to the 1.2 second coil-rest time
  digitalWrite(8, HIGH);             // This turns pin 8 "high" or on, which outputs a 5VDC trigger pulse to the coil power module
  delay(25);                         // This determines the duty cycle of the coil. 25ms is plenty long enough to get the coil fire
  digitalWrite(8, LOW);              // This turns OFF pin 8 and deengergizes the coil
  delay(1200);                        //This delay is the 1.2 seconds between coil impulses. The bigger this number, the less frequent the pulses

Downloadable files

Gallagher Fencing – a useful white paper on how to build an electric fence

Copyright and Courtesy Gallagher Electric Fences



How to build the Squirreliminator



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