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Open source ESP32-based quadcopter made from scratch

Arduino-based quadcopter, using MPU9250 IMU, with Gazebo simulation, MAVLink support, textbook on writing a flight controller and much more

Project description

Open source ESP32-based quadcopter made from scratch with the following features:

  1. Simple and clean Arduino based source code.
  2. Acro and Stabilized flight using remote control.
  3. Precise simulation using Gazebo (with imitation of Arduino API).
  4. In-RAM logging.
  5. Command line interface through USB port.
  6. Wi-Fi support.
  7. ESCs with reverse mode support.
  8. MAVLink support.
  9. Textbook and videos for students on writing a flight controller*.
  10. Completely 3D-printed frame.*
  11. Position control and autonomous flights using external camera*.

* — planned.

See the project introduction video:



Project's source code on GitHub

GitHub - okalachev/flix: Making an ESP32-based quadcopter from scratch



Project's documentation on GitHub